I have been browsing the web recently and have come across a couple of cool compositing/3d showreels. It fills me with awe when I see how good these people are at seamlessly integrating
live action and CGI.
Heres one by a guy called David Denly who submitted a showreel to cgcoach. His showreel won him an internship at Double Negative. There, he has worked as a lighting TD on the feature film Paul. Heres his showreel:
live action and CGI.
Heres one by a guy called David Denly who submitted a showreel to cgcoach. His showreel won him an internship at Double Negative. There, he has worked as a lighting TD on the feature film Paul. Heres his showreel:
VFX Showreel - May 2010 from David Denley on Vimeo.
And heres another which is also very cool..
compositing showReel 2009 from Donald Strubler on Vimeo.
Fun stuff :-)