Here is an Illustrated book I created in early 2009
Its based on a poem by Edward Lear called "How to make an Amblongus pie"
I rendered it out with gouache (using a couple of paint brushes and a sponge), pencils, pens, pastels, tape (to mask out the areas of white), marker pens and highlighters. It would take half the time to sketch it out then half the time to do the final Artwork. Some pages took around 30 hours to complete all together! It was a mission but I'm pleased with the outcome and would say that it was worth the effort. This shows my interests when it comes down to Animation may well be around pre-production - designing characters, concept art and storyboarding.

And put them in a small Pipkin. Boil them for 8 hours Incessantly

Add 2 pints of new milk and boil for 4 hours

When you have ascertained that the Amblongusses are quite soft

Take them out and (flap opens: put them in a wide pan)

Grate some nutmeg over the surface, cover carefully with powdered gingerbread

(this half joins together with the last page - in book form you can open it out in a super wide format) curry-powder and a sufficient quantity of cayenne pepper

Shake the pan violently til...(flap opens: all the Amblongusses become a pale purple colour)

Then, having prepared a paste, insert the whole carefully

Adding a small pidgeon, 2 slices of beef, 4 cauliflowers and any number of oysters

Watch carefully till the crust begins to rise

Throw the whole out of the window as fast as possible (Flap opens showing a small Amblongus)

Flaps that open on pages 5, 8 and 12
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