There was room for improvement on my last video to do my ship a bit more justice. Previously, the movie represented my ship a little bit too much on the 2D side. Now, I have changed the camera position and created an ocean shader resulting in a more impressive 3D render with a kinda real looking (but not really) ocean underneath it. I'm content with this and it seems to have been all worthwhile! Fingers crossed for Simon getting it projected in freshers week later this year..
I achieved this by first rendering the ship alone from Maya using Mental ray. Then I put a black surface shader on the ship and rendered the ocean shader using Maya software. I then composited them together using Composite and put it through after effects to make the final movie files. I also experimented using a bezier warp tool in After Effects to create more of a fish eye effect, this works well in making the ship seem massive. I will upload a video of this and put it here soon. The whole process took a day from when Simon told me yesterday he would like the final ship files to this afternoon when I handed them to him.
I achieved this by first rendering the ship alone from Maya using Mental ray. Then I put a black surface shader on the ship and rendered the ocean shader using Maya software. I then composited them together using Composite and put it through after effects to make the final movie files. I also experimented using a bezier warp tool in After Effects to create more of a fish eye effect, this works well in making the ship seem massive. I will upload a video of this and put it here soon. The whole process took a day from when Simon told me yesterday he would like the final ship files to this afternoon when I handed them to him.